There was a time when Flag Day was about parades, was about proudly displaying the emblem of Freedom and Democracy, with families and communities understanding the importance of the day. There was a time when every school kid in America knew who Betsy Ross was. Then there came a day when the American Flag was burned and respect for its ideals fell to the ‘silent majority’ to keep alive. After the attack on America in 2001 the Flag was immediately elevated with pride to its former place of respect. Flags were flown on home poles, worn on lapels, sent in email as wallpaper, proudly owned! That event ignited the patriotism of most Americans. Now we are at a crossroads. Those who hold this national treasure in reverence for the ideals it represents and those who are concerned they would be considered some ‘wing nut’ if they proudly displayed their respect for the Flag. The Flag, like the Bible, represents Freedom and allegiance. Both have attracted and repelled radicals. Both represent the quintessential good of humanity --FREEDOM -- freedoms which are inherent in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
National Flag Day and National Flag Day week have been noted by presidential proclamation annually. Where is this year’s proclamation? We are but 5 days away from the 14th.
The cost to defend our beloved ideals, and yes, the very banner of those ideals, our National Flag, is incalculable. The loss of Life continues to mount as democracy stands against a world of religious, political, national and economic assault .The unifying symbol that embraces not only the highest ideals for humanity but the tremendous loss of humankind in preservation of Life, of Liberty and of Pursuit of Happiness, is the American Flag.
For each century since the Flag was formerly adopted in 1777, there have been great men/women who have stepped up to elevate the Flag high upon it’s staff. This century needs a remarkable and historic people to etch on the pages of the new millennium’s record of history a renewed respect for our Flag. Perhaps the beginning of this will be done by the masses here in this country that will rise up in defense of the very constitution that defines our democracy, our Republic, and ‘the Flag for which it stands!’
Will you be a protector of our freedoms? Will you fight for our constitution -- the constitutional government -- and the symbol of its power -- the American Flag? Will you fly your Flag in honor of it?
We leave you with this simple but powerful truth uttered by one of the Founding Fathers and signers of our Constitution defining the Republic:
“Here sir, the people govern.”
Liberty Pole Post awaits this year’s Presidential Proclamation. We will post it here once it is available.
The foregoing post was posted on June 9, 2009. We have checked the White House Briefing Room daily morning and evening to await this year's proclamation. It was posted June 12, 2009 and can be seen here in at this link. http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Presidential-Proclamation-Flag-Day-and-National-Flag-Week/
1 comment:
"Where is this year’s proclamation?" All I have to say to that is "DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH". I think that this is the furthest thing from his mind (Obama that is). He just Proclaimed June as the "Gay Pride Month" so I don't think he is thinking FLAG. Maybe one of his people sitting next to him will elbow him and knock him off his pedestal and remind him of what he is supposed to do as a president and proclaim the Flag Week, not quite a month but hey that will do. Again 'DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH" this is the president (Supposed to be Commander in Chief) that instead of saluting The Vets from WWII in Europe gave them a thumbs up. And this is the president that refused to put his hand on his hearth when listening to the national anthem before he was made president. Lots of other stuff I could say here but I better not, so let me just say that one more time for you.--- "DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH"---
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