President’s Reagan, Kennedy, Johnson and Eisenhower have all done similar or better than Obama by this time in their term! We would have to discount the huge jump at 6 months with George W. Bush because the catalyst there could be Obama’s salvation as well should some catastrophic event happen and he handled it correctly. [We are mindful of Biden’s caution that Obama will be tested within the first 6 months and we were asked to be patient because it would not appear initially as though a right decision was made but that in time we’d understand his actions.] Theoretically, we could still see such an event.
USA TODAY, [a non conservative publication] released/posted the latest presidential approval tracker. Not good news for the president! It is heartening to see the media is reporting what it can no longer ignore: things are not peachy in Obama-World!
Dick Morris has daily kept those who read his site/newsletter up to date on just what impact the Obama policies are having not only on America but on the Obama Administration. The idea the "Obamacare would/could be his Waterloo" is looking more and more promising. Most of the excerpts are from his fantastic new book "Catastrophe". It should be required reading for everyone who is anxious about the future of this country, their family, themselves!!
Regarding Health Care: Do we need a complete overhaul? ALL in America would likely agree. Do we need it in the next 2 weeks? Likely most in America would acknowledge decades of debate has historically transpired so waiting until the folks come back from their break is not out of the question. And a comprehensive health care plan is not something that should be set in stone [or thousands of pages in print] and then we march forward -- all in a matter of a couple of months! It should be initiated in phases which can only be done when prioritizing the issues. If our founding fathers who were unique in their political, religious, moral convictions as they could be, could hammer out the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights with accord, surely more elected folk today, equally divergent in their individual tenets, can identify the prime issues, prioritize them, and then set a realistic schedule to deal with them. Obama still gets the credit because the reform happens on his watch; the American people have the confidence the reform will be presented in phases the folks can relate to and debate intellectually. Further, reasonable debate and time frames allows the taxpayer time to correspond with their respective elected officials giving those officials the ‘input’ representative government requires! It may take a few years but so long as progress is being made towards the overall goal of constructive reform everyone is the better off.
There are real issues that must be addressed! Doctors, nurses, health care facilities, they have legitimate concerns which seem to be given ‘lip service’ by the elected ones but are waved off as inconsequential in the big goal to establish UNIVERSAL health care.
Massachusetts, the state our national reform is allegedly being modeled after, is way over budget in just 3 years into practice. There remain 2.6% of the residents of Massachusetts without care; and the emergency rooms are still the first stop for many even with health insurance because doctors are disallowing provider ship to those with MASS-Care. So, when you look at the tremendous cost over runs, now over a trillion dollars, the pressure on emergency rooms and the fact that not all are insured, thus NOT UNIVERSAL, you must ponder seriously: "This is supposed to be the model the US citizenry is stuck with if rushed through in 2 weeks? Where’s the ‘help’ to the taxpayer?" It suffices only to chase the US to national socialism; to plant an esteemed feather in the cap of the leader of this national socialism, a feather by the way which will have a short term presence, and it gives self aggrandizing kudos to the elected officials who rubber stamp it!
And still we have the burning question: “Who will pay the health care providers when there is no more money to pay them? Who will make the hard decisions who will live and who will die? Based on what criterion? What family will wind up suing the government because their family seems marked for death?” The big winners in this whole business of UNIVERSAL Health Care in its present state will be Attorneys who begin filing lawsuits for any number of causes! Has that dollar amount been factored into the COSTS of Obamacare? Or do we accept the concept the Government would consider it a better business decision to cut a check for $10, 000 to a family to cover funeral arrangements, saving the tens or hundreds of thousands it would cost to keep that same family member alive? The bottom line? You can bet there will be an attorney waiting at that line and they will make up the difference between that one time funeral cost and the long term health costs! The only thing healthy in the end is the attorney's bottom line. Fact is, the patient is still dead! Family is still grieved. The rules of the game have changed but the players are all the same!
The ‘poor’ and ‘disenfranchised’ this president kept preaching too during his campaign have learned the hard lesson that politicians cannot be trusted. Yet, the inventory is already out the door and they are being left holding the bag of empty promises. Worse yet, they will bear the brunt of the negative impact this alleged UNIVERSAL health care will visit upon them. They will be the ones whose over all health is compromised because of their economic situation. What happens when the kids of poor families whose health is provided freely, whose school breakfasts and lunches are being provided freely thus they are eating healthy, whose exercise and grooming is being tendered by the public school system, all on the Federal Government, while the parents are unhealthy, eat poorly, if at all, live in less than optimal conditions and who may or may not engage in lifestyle choices that further compromise their health? The kids will be left without parents, or elders related to them and will become yet another dependent of the government.
We should shudder to think of such worst case scenarios. While the media is marching out emotionally packed images and stories no one has looked at the faces and stories of those who will REALLY be affected by this healthcare proposal. And ironically, it is those faces and those stories who got up out of their lives and went to the voting polls and said ‘yes to change’. Did they vote yes to their own death warrant? One can only pray this is not the case! Doomsday thinking? Oh, absolutely. But is it really all that far fetched?
There is a short term fix IF the house and senate exercise some collective and individual restraint and refuse to be bullied into a decision or into a decision NOW. That breathing time gives Americans a chance to launch a letter writing campaign and telephone campaign to really STOP this from forward going! Then, in 2010 VOTE NO for everyone of these people UP for reelection who had to be convinced to NOT sign on or who were never convinced! DON’T FORGET, some of the same characters, at least in the house, voted YES to CAP & TRADE!
Pink Slip Day cannot be here soon enough! Let’s hobble this march to totalitarian rule NOW!